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Getting Pregnant with Endometriosis: Is It Possible? - RECAP & REVIEW

Updated: May 6

It’s a wrap! With a total of 46 registrants.

This time it is in conjunction with World Infertility Awareness Month, which is the month of June.

In our SG EndoMarch Talk a few months back, I asked the attendees to provide feedback, and one of the topics that received a lot of requests was fertility. Even the questions asked on the Singapore Endometriosis Support Group Facebook page have a constant flow of fertility questions. And these questions often require professionals to address them.

It is a huge privilege to have Professor Jerry Chan, who willingly put aside some of his time to address the queries and nurture us with the knowledge and options of the treatments available for those trying to conceive with Endometriosis.

To ensure you can refer to the session again at your convenience, this session is therefore streamed LIVE. Just click on the link below:

If you need to reach out to Professor Jerry Chan post-event, you may drop him an email at:

I included below the details of his specialties and contact details to book a consultation with him:

Thank you, everyone. I hope the talk has helped you in making informed decisions. Please continue to talk about it and create awareness.

"Because the more we talk about it, the more we understand it is a real condition."


Namira Mohamad Marsudi


E for Endometriosis


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