Yesterday’s Project WE event unfolded beautifully, despite an unexpected turn of events that kept me from attending. I’m filled with gratitude for our volunteers—Moji, Yasmeen, and her husband, Mr. Julian—who stepped in and carried the torch for E for Endometriosis with such passion and grace. Their stories and insights clearly resonated, sparking inspiration and engagement among the students.

A special thanks to the Project WE organizers for creating a supportive platform that encourages open discussions on critical but often taboo topics. Initiatives like these are vital as they empower our youth, the beacon of hope for our future, fostering change through education and dialogue.

Here’s to more enlightening events and to nurturing a well-informed and empathetic future generation. Thank you, everyone, for your commitment to making a difference! 🫶🏻🙌🏻🎗️
About the Event:
Now in its seventh year, Project WE, spearheaded by medical students from NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, continues to shine a light on significant social and health issues. This year’s focus on endometriosis brought to light the silent struggles many face, enhancing the dialogue by including diverse perspectives, such as those of men as caregivers. This holistic approach not only broadens understanding but also underscores the vital support systems needed to manage such health challenges.

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