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Media Coverage: South China Morning Post, AsiaOne, & Today Online

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

One with the Husbae! 🎉

Shout out to Sasha Gonzales of the South China Morning Post, who took the liberty to write about Endometriosis. She can choose to cover other topics, yet she took in her stride to shed light on this wretched disease. Yes, this article is not paid for but approached by, and I am highly grateful for that.

The write-up is comprehensive, well-thought, and informative. This speaks volumes of how mindful she was in structuring her words to visualize the tumultuous ride I had in getting a proper diagnosis and the amount of introspection Sasha puts into this article in making it equally educational. Overall, tastefully written! Such an inspiring piece of writing depicting the reality of what we need to see in this world, particularly issues relating to Endometriosis & Adenomyosis.

I reckon this issue tugs at her heartstrings to have taken the initiative to speak about it through the means she knows best, journalism. Sasha, I could not thank you enough for giving emphasis on Endometriosis & Adenomyosis. Know that your write-up has gotten a few distressed sufferers & caregivers to approach me and found comfort & clarity in terms of support and proper avenues since the publication. I am sure many more will find the write-up greatly useful.

Wishing you are rewarded with amazing health and bountiful joy for this altruistic gesture. I truly appreciate it!

Read the full article here:

One from AsiaOne (credited to SCMP):

And another from Today Online (credited to SCMP):

I hope the articles serve as an eye-opener for many who are unaware of Endometriosis & Adenomyosis. I encourage you to continue the conversation in your circle because the more we talk about it, the more we understand it is a real condition.

Should you require support and recommendations on Endometriosis Specialists or holistic approaches, among others, you may reach out to the following registered movement:

E for Endometriosis

UEN 53369376D

Instagram: (E For Endometriosis)

Support Group: (Singapore Endometriosis Support Group)

YouTube: (Namira Mohamad)


Suspect that you or your loved one could be having Endometriosis?

I understand that it can be difficult to string words together on what you are experiencing living in pain and from the constant rejections you get from the people around you. Hence the Self-Assessment Questionnaire is developed where it can be reviewed and printed out upon completion. The idea of enabling this function is for you to show it to your physician or whoever you feel needs to know when verbalizing becomes hard & for you to get immediate attention from Endometriosis Specialists should your result indicates highly likely you have Endometriosis.

Link below:

Hopefully, this initiative will help many find relief soon.

Help spread the word. End the silence. Create awareness. Share the cause. 🎗️


Namira Mohamad Marsudi


E for Endometriosis

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